Tuesday, December 14, 2010

6 weeks today

1 Week until Christmas and I have the best present - a new Body....Anyway Yes it is 6 weeks today and i will load more photos later. My story and photos will also be in a magazine in SA called "INTIEM" from February next year to spread the story of Vaser. Following this it will also appear in DeKat magazine which is national.

I am now fully back at gym every morning, running and feeling awesome. I still have a lack of sensitivity around my lower back and flanks but this is improving slowly. My stomach is not painful but I can feel the ridges of the 6 pack that was sculpted by Dr Claassen and Dr Hamlet (UK). I now weigh 103kg where I was previously 121kg before the procedure.

All I can say is only choose VASER remember it starts with a "V" not anything else. I would never go for standard lipo (this is just a procedure for Plastic Surgeons to butcher you and charge you an arm and a leg for a treatment that is 30 years old and costs them NOTHING - they make a fortune from you!!) Vaser cost me R35,000 for High Definition (which no other type of Lipo can ever do!!) and this is still cheaper than some Plastic's would charge so it goes to show how much they rip you off in my opinion....

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to find what would be the Vaser liposuction cost treatment preformed to reduce the size of "cankles". I know the prices largely vary, but I've been able to find a few differences in costs of other procedures . I was hoping to find the approximate range of Vaser lipo preformed on the calve area.
