Tuesday, December 14, 2010

6 weeks today

1 Week until Christmas and I have the best present - a new Body....Anyway Yes it is 6 weeks today and i will load more photos later. My story and photos will also be in a magazine in SA called "INTIEM" from February next year to spread the story of Vaser. Following this it will also appear in DeKat magazine which is national.

I am now fully back at gym every morning, running and feeling awesome. I still have a lack of sensitivity around my lower back and flanks but this is improving slowly. My stomach is not painful but I can feel the ridges of the 6 pack that was sculpted by Dr Claassen and Dr Hamlet (UK). I now weigh 103kg where I was previously 121kg before the procedure.

All I can say is only choose VASER remember it starts with a "V" not anything else. I would never go for standard lipo (this is just a procedure for Plastic Surgeons to butcher you and charge you an arm and a leg for a treatment that is 30 years old and costs them NOTHING - they make a fortune from you!!) Vaser cost me R35,000 for High Definition (which no other type of Lipo can ever do!!) and this is still cheaper than some Plastic's would charge so it goes to show how much they rip you off in my opinion....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5 Weeks Today

so I went for my 5 week check up - yes should have been 6 but the clinic is closed from this Friday so had it done now. There is still some swelling lower stomach and a couple of hard areas that will soften up over the next 4 weeks. I am not bothered by this as the result is still fantastic for me.

I have heard from other patients saying their lipo treatments were painful - all i can say is that Pain is subjective and each persons threshold is different so YES you may experience more pain than me or others but is relevant to you.....This is surgery what you expect!!

So back to me, I am thrilled and cannot wait to get out in the summer with m new body even though it is still recovering and will take more time....

So for now I still recomend Vaser over any other Lipo procedure and if you Doctor doesnt use Vaser then look some where else as they are not with the times and like old age Lipo....:)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Vaser Video...

Click to view my procedure taken and on you tube....This is real life so excuse the background Doctor music but you will hear them chatting and all...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 5

So into the start of Week 5 - Monday. I went back to gym and for the first time since the procedure worked chest. It felt good and I had no pain or discomfort. I am not wearing the support garment during the day now and actually only wore it once over the weekend.

My skin still feels sensitive and when it is hot I can see there is a bit more swelling. I have no pain or discomfort when I move, sit or stand. I have a slight bit of pain when I extend my arms above my head as it stretches the skin by my lats and this is the only place.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

4 Weeks Post Vaser Hi-Def South Africa

Vaser 4 Weeks Post Photos

So here are the 4 weeks post Vaser photos - I think the results are AWESOME....

Why choose Vaser and NOT laser/traditional Lipo...

I have been asked in a couple of messages why did i choose VASER and NOT laser. Well for me it was about research and knowing what is out there and what they claim to do. Laser uses varying amounts of heat and causes scarring under the skin from this heat (like a ball of fire under your skin), this helps with skin retraction but burns all your tissues, blood vessels and FAT to a pulp (you cannot use your fat after this).

Vaser for me was NO heat, no internal scarring, natural skin retraction as it doesnt damage nerve ending or tissues - this is evident in my results. The other main factor is that Laser can NEVER do Hi-Definition or remove the amount of fat Vaser did. So for me it was only Vaser as we know ultrasound is safer than fire in my opinion....

Now why not traditional - again this sucks everything out, causes horrible bruising, lumps and bumps is common and lots of internal scarring - doctors tell you to lose weight first..... Long recovery and you cannot be as active in my opinion.

However this is from my research and you would need to do your own and consult with a Doctor who can give you options not just force either Laser or Traditional because they dont know..Better you go with knowledge of what is out there as many of them dont know!!